Discover Scope Data's Effortless Process

Experience a hassle-free approach to managing and reporting emissions data

Discover Scope Data's Effortless Workflow

Standard vs. Scope Data

Approach to CO2 Reporting for Fleets

Accurate CO2 reporting is crucial for organizations to understand and manage their environmental impact, meet regulatory requirements, and achieve sustainability goals. With various methods available for tracking and reporting emissions data, it can be challenging to choose the most suitable approach.

Standard Approach

The traditional method for creating CO2 reports for fleets involves manual collection of data, such as fuel logs and emissions reports, or using telematics systems to track emissions. This approach can be time-consuming and challenging due to the need for manual input, data cleaning, and conversion.

Scopes Data Approach

Scope Data simplifies the process of collecting and managing emissions data by leveraging a user-friendly platform where drivers can easily input data once a month, while administrators send invitations and manage the data. This approach streamlines the reporting process, reduces manual work, and maintains accuracy.


  1. Comprehensive data collection: Captures a wide range of emissions data from various sources.

  2. Established methodologies: Uses well-known and accepted methods for calculating emissions.


  1. Efficient data collection: Simplifies data input and management, with drivers only needing to input data once a month.

  2. Centralized platform: Streamlines data management by unifying data sources and formats.

  3. Accurate and up-to-date data: Ensures high-quality data by allowing easy access and maintenance.

  4. Cost and time savings: Reduces the time and resources needed for data collection and analysis.


  1. Time-consuming: Requires significant manual input, cleaning, and conversion of data.

  2. Inconsistent data formats: Data may come from different sources, requiring extra effort to unify and analyze.

  3. Limited access to data: Some data may be difficult to access if not available online.


  1. Reliance on driver input: Accuracy depends on timely and correct data submissions by drivers.

  2. Potential learning curve: Users may need time to familiarize themselves with the platform and its features.

Scopes Data has developed a very simple and easy-to-understand application in order to minimize these cons and streamline the reporting process.

System Initialization and Monthly Actions for Administrators and Drivers

Transforming fleet emissions management with ease and accuracy

Scope Data offers a streamlined process for both administrators and drivers, ensuring efficient emissions data management on a monthly basis. Here's an overview of the actions required from each role to maintain accurate emissions tracking
Scopes Data - Administrator Screen on Table

System Initializatiozn

A 10-minute solution for streamlined environmental management: Sign up, input company info, set up sub accounts, and invite drivers
  • Register your organization and set up an administrator account

  • Set up sub accounts to manage different legal entities

  • Invite drivers by sending email invitations

Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Sign Up
Sign Up
Visit and create a free account using your company email and a secure password.
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Account Information
Account Information
Fill in your company name, industry, number of employees, and vehicles.
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Administrator Details
Administrator Details
Enter your name, country, and choose the metric system for units.
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Create Sub Account
Create Sub Accounts
Set up sub accounts to manage different legal entities and electricity emission factors. Customize each sub account with unique IDs, names, and country.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Invite Drivers
Invite Drivers
Invite your first driver by sending an email invitation. Choose from 29 languages to ensure clear communication. The drivers themselves will register their information and vehicles, simplifying the onboarding process.

Monthly Actions

A comprehensive guide to the top 5 monthly actions administrators should take to ensure efficient report management, accurate data, and proactive decision-making.
  • Monitor the data submissions from drivers and ensure they submit their emissions data in a timely manner

  • Review and validate the centralized emissions data to maintain its accuracy and quality

  • Generate customized emissions reports using Scope Data's advanced reporting tools, and identify trends or areas for improvement

Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Monthly Actions - Monitor and Manage Report
Monitor and manage report submissions
Keep track of driver report submissions throughout the month, ensuring all drivers submit their reports within the given deadline. Send reminder emails to drivers who have not submitted their reports by the 5th and 12th of the submission month. Continuously review the submission statuses for each sub-account you are responsible for and follow up with drivers as necessary.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Monthly Actions - Review and address data issues
Review and address data issues
Carefully check the submitted reports for any abnormal values or inconsistencies in the data. If any issues are found, delete the report and request the driver to resubmit or correct the data as needed. If a report contains odd content, verify the GHG report and graph data without including that particular report, ensuring accurate and reliable data.
Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Monthly Actions - Analyze and evaluate data
Analyze and evaluate data
Regularly download and analyze data at various levels (individual vehicle level, driver level, sub-account level, country level, and account level) for GHG Accounting purposes. Compare and evaluate data between countries, the number of vehicles, non-submitting drivers, and CO2 emissions to identify trends, areas of concern, or opportunities for improvement.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Monthly Actions - Stay up-to-date
Stay up-to-date with real-time updates
Monitor real-time data updates for graphs, charts, and tables to make informed decisions based on the most current information. Use the latest data to understand the current status of emissions, driver performance, and other essential metrics, allowing for proactive management and decision-making.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Monthly Actions - Plan and implement improvement
Plan and implement improvement actions
Use the gathered information to plan and implement actions for improving efficiency, reducing emissions, or addressing other concerns. Collaborate with drivers, sub-account managers, and other stakeholders to develop and execute strategies that enhance overall performance, ensure regulatory compliance, and contribute to sustainability goals.

System Initializatiozn

A 10-minute solution for streamlined environmental management: Sign up, input company info, set up sub accounts, and invite drivers
  • Register your organization and set up an administrator account

  • Set up sub accounts to manage different legal entities

  • Invite drivers by sending email invitations

Monthly Actions

A comprehensive guide to the top 5 monthly actions administrators should take to ensure efficient report management, accurate data, and proactive decision-making.
  • Monitor the data submissions from drivers and ensure they submit their emissions data in a timely manner

  • Review and validate the centralized emissions data to maintain its accuracy and quality

  • Generate customized emissions reports using Scope Data's advanced reporting tools, and identify trends or areas for improvement

Scopes Data - Driver APP Screen Image

APP Initializatiozn

Quickly configure your Scopes Data profile in 10 minutes for a greener driving experience.
  • Register your organization and set up an administrator account

  • Set up sub accounts to manage different legal entities

  • Invite drivers by sending email invitations

Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver APP Mobile Set Up
Mobile Setup
Obtain an invitation email from Scopes Data containing an account setup link and open it using a mobile phone for an optimized experience.
Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Account Activation
Account Activation
Follow the link, create a unique password, and agree to both the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to establish the account.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Driver Setup
Initial Setup
After logging in, explore the introductory slides to learn about the importance of reporting CO2 data and the benefits for the company. Then, input personal information, select the residing country, and choose the preferred unit of measurement.
Scopes Data - 3 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Vehicle Setup
Vehicle Data
Provide details about the vehicle's purpose, type, powertrain, and fuel type, in addition to efficiency data, for better analysis and reporting.
Scopes Data - 3 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Driving History Registration
Driving History
Fill in relevant details about driving habits, such as commute distance, frequency, and usage proportions for private and business purposes.

Monthly Actions

A step-by-step guide for drivers to submit their monthly driving reports, including important dates, data entry, and reminders.
  • Log in to the platform and use the guided data input feature to submit your emissions data, such as fuel consumption and purpose of use (business, commuting, private).

  • Ensure the submitted data is accurate and complete, using the platform's real-time data validation tools

APP Initialization

Quickly configure your Scopes Data profile in 10 minutes for a greener driving experience.
  • Register your organization and set up an administrator account

  • Set up sub accounts to manage different legal entities

  • Invite drivers by sending email invitations

Monthly Actions

A step-by-step guide for drivers to submit their monthly driving reports, including important dates, data entry, and reminders.
  • Log in to the platform and use the guided data input feature to submit your emissions data, such as fuel consumption and purpose of use (business, commuting, private).

  • Ensure the submitted data is accurate and complete, using the platform's real-time data validation tools

About CO2e Emission by Vehicle

Calculation Methodology

CO2e emissions from vehicles can be calculated by determining the amount of CO2 and other GHGs.
Scopes Data uses the following to calculate CO2e


Calculate the monthly mileage from the reported odometer readings.


For Fuel and Electricity Efficiency, it is recommended to use the figures on the vehicle's dashboard. If this is not available, the vehicle specification data published by the OEM or other parties can be used.

Emission Factor (EF)

For fuel, each fuel type has its own EF; you can find the constant you are using on the Emission Factor page. For electricity, the EF is basically the EF for each country. For some countries, EFs are provided at the state level.

Scope 1

Distinguishing Direct Emissions

Automatically identify and categorize emissions originating from fuel combustion in company-owned vehicles and operational leased vehicles used for business purposes, excluding biofuels.

Scopes Data - CO2e from Fuel Icon
CO2e from Fuel for Business Purpose Use
CO2e =
Business Mileage (km)
Fuel Efficiency (L/km)
Fuel EF (CO2e kg/L)

Fuel Type:

Petrol, Diesel, E85, E100(Bio-Ethanol), CNG, LPG

Fuel EF:

Scopes Data is using figures from the UK DEFRA 2022 report (UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2022). If you would like to use your company's unique emission factors, you can also make changes from the Fuel EF Management.

Scope 2

Identifying Indirect Emissions

Recognize and classify emissions resulting from purchased electricity used by electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles in the fleet, including emissions from electricity generation for charging vehicles.

Scopes Data - CO2e From Electricity Icon
CO2e from Electricity for Business Purpose Use
CO2e =
Business Mileage (km)
Electricity Efficiency (kWh/km)
Electricity EF (CO2e kg/kWh)
100% - Renewable Electricity (%)

Electricity EF:

Scopes Data use publicly disclosed data for the average Electricity Emission Factors (EF) of 217 countries, as well as state-level average Electricity EF for the United States, Canada, and Australia.

If you would like to use your company's unique emission factors, you can also make changes from the Electricity EF Management.

Scope 3

Assessing Upstream Commuting Emissions

Evaluate and categorize emissions generated by employee commuting in personal or public transportation, covering emissions from employees traveling to and from work.

Scopes Data - CO2e from Fuel Icon
CO2e from Fuel for Commuting Purpose Use
Scopes Data - CO2e From Electricity Icon
CO2e from Electricity for Commuting Purpose Use
CO2e =
Commuting Mileage (km)
Energy Efficiency (L/km & kWh/km)
Energy EF (CO2e kg/L & kg/kWh)

The Scope 3 data consists of figures from Upstream Activities related to Employee Commuting (Category 7).

Out of Scope

Private Emissions

Isolate and categorize emissions from vehicles used for private purposes, unrelated to business activities, ensuring that these emissions are not included in the company's GHG accounting.

Scopes Data - CO2e from Fuel Icon
CO2e from Fuel for Private Purpose Use
Scopes Data - CO2e From Electricity Icon
CO2e from Electricity for Private Purpose Use
CO2e =
Private Mileage (km)
Energy Efficiency (L/km & kWh/km)
Energy EF (CO2e kg/L & kg/kWh)

Out of Scope - Bio

Biofuel Emissions

Accurately calculate and categorize emissions from the combustion of biofuels in the fleet, such as E85 or ethanol. Although these emissions are part of Scope 1, they are often reported separately due to their renewable nature and lower net GHG impact.

Scopes Data - CO2e from Fuel Icon
CO2e from Bio-Fuel for Business Purpose Use
CO2e =
Business Mileage (km)
Fuel Efficiency (L/km)
Bio-Fuel EF (CO2e kg/L)

Fuel Type:

E85, E100(Bio-Ethanol),

Fuel EF:

Scopes Data is using figures from the UK DEFRA 2022 report (UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2022). If you would like to use your company's unique emission factors, you can also make changes from the Fuel EF Management.

By leveraging Scope Data's precise categorization feature, you can effortlessly classify fleet emissions and gain a deeper understanding of your organization's environmental footprint. This information is crucial for making data-driven decisions about emissions reduction strategies and meeting sustainability goals.
* For our Scope Data, we use the Operational Control model to calculate GHG Accounting within the defined organizational boundaries. In summary, the Operational Control model is a method for determining an organization's GHG emissions based on the activities and facilities over which it has direct control. By employing this model, we focus on the emissions sources that an organization can directly influence and manage, thus enabling a more targeted approach to emission reduction strategies.

Get in Touch with Our Emissions Experts

Have questions or need assistance with Scope Data? Reach out to our knowledgeable team using the contact form. We're here to help you simplify your fleet's emissions management and achieve your sustainability goals. Let's drive a greener future together!
Scopes Data needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy.

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