Netherlands Flag Icon

Fleet WPM Reporting in the Netherlands with Scopes Data

Rapportageverplichting werkgebonden personenmobiliteit (Reporting obligation work-related mobility of persons - WPM)

Scopes Data - Fleet WPM Reporting in the Netherlands with Scopes Data

Understanding the WPM Obligation

Scopes Data - 100 or more Employee IconScopes Data - Mileage Business & Commuting IconScopes Data - 2024 Start Icon
The Dutch Work-Related Mobility of Persons (WPM) mandate requires organizations with 100 or more employees to report CO2 emissions from employee mobility, separating business and commuting travels. Starting in 2024, these organizations must have reporting systems ready, with the first deadline for submission by June 30, 2025. This initiative emphasizes the importance of corporate environmental responsibility and aims to standardize the documentation of the workforce's mobility impact.
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Scopes Data: Your Partner in Compliance

Scopes Data simplifies this reporting process, enabling companies to easily aggregate emissions data through a user-friendly platform. By integrating direct driver inputs monthly, Scopes Data ensures data accuracy and saves valuable administrative time.
Scopes Data streamlines the complex process of WPM compliance with a one-click solution

One-Click Reporting

Scopes Data streamlines the complex process of WPM compliance with a one-click solution. Our platform performs data analysis in accordance with WPM guidelines and allows you to download all the necessary data in a CSV file format. Check out our report sample to see the kind of detailed information you can obtain with Scopes Data.

Download Report Sample

Sample_Scopes_Data_Netherlands_WPM_Report_2023.csv (2KB)

Scopes Data - Administrator Checking Scopes Data Dashboard

Sustainable Strategy Development

Leverage the detailed data from Scopes Data to inform and implement strategic sustainability initiatives that resonate across your organization.

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Scopes Data - Driver Holding Scopes Data App

Employee Engagement

Your employees will take pride in working for an organization that prioritizes environmental responsibility, leading to improved job satisfaction.

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The Simple Way to Get Started with Scope Data

Effortless Emissions Management

Think emissions tracking is complex? Think again! Discover how our straightforward setup process and easy-to-maintain data collection make Scope Data the perfect solution for administrators and drivers alike.
Scopes Data - Administrator Icon


A 10 minute solution for streamlined environmental management: Sign up, input company info, set up sub accounts, and invite drivers

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Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Sign Up
Sign Up
Register for free at Signup with a company email.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Account Information
Account Information
Provide company details and fleet size.
Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Administrator Details
Administrator Details
Add your personal and location information, select measurement units.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Create Sub Account
Create Sub Accounts
Create and customize accounts for different entities.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Administrator Get Start: Invite Drivers
Invite Drivers
Send multilingual email invitations (29 language) for driver onboarding.
Scopes Data - Driver Icon


Quickly configure your Scopes Data profile in 10 minutes for a greener driving experience.

Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver APP Mobile Set Up
Mobile Setup
Use the invitation email link on a mobile for setup.
Scopes Data - 1 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Account Activation
Account Activation
Set a password and accept terms to activate the account.
Scopes Data - 2 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Driver Setup
Initial Setup
Learn about CO2 reporting benefits and set preferences.
Scopes Data - 3 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Vehicle Setup
Vehicle Data
Input vehicle usage and efficiency information.
Scopes Data - 3 Minutes Timer Icon
Scopes Data - Driver System Initialization - Driving History Registration
Driving History
Record driving patterns and usage for accurate reporting.

Get in Touch with Our Emissions Experts

Have questions or need assistance with Scope Data? Reach out to our knowledgeable team using the contact form. We're here to help you simplify your fleet's emissions management and achieve your sustainability goals. Let's drive a greener future together!
Scopes Data needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy.

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