Cookie Policy

Last Update:
April 29, 2023
Version 1.0
Discover how we utilize cookies to enhance your user experience, and learn about the types of cookies we use and their specific purposes.

At Scopes Data (collectively “Scopes Data”, “Connector B.V.”, “us”, “we”) we commit to being transparent about how we collect and use your personal data. Our general approach to the collection and use of personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy. Capitalized terms used further below but not defined shall have the meaning set forth in our Privacy Policy. This “Cookie Policy” complements our Privacy Policy and describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies such as pixels and tags (collectively referred to as “Cookies”) that may be used on our websites. We update this Cookie Policy from time to time with respect to future changes in data protection law or the types of Cookies that we are using.

What is a Cookie?

A Cookie is a small piece of data stored on your computer by your web browser while browsing a website. We use Cookies (i) to make your experience when visiting our websites smoother and more personalised by remembering your preferences and (ii) to make your interactions with our websites faster and more secure. Cookies cannot run programs or transmit viruses to your computer. The length of time a Cookie stays on your computer depends on whether it is a “Persistent Cookie” or a “Session Cookie”. Session Cookies are automatically deleted at the end of a browser session. Persistent Cookies are stored and remain valid until they expire or are deleted by the user before that date.

Below the different types of Cookies used on our websites are listed. These tables are subject to change and will be updated from time to time.

Required Cookie

“Required Cookies” are necessary for basic website functionality. Examples of these are Session Cookies needed to transmit the website, authentication Cookies, and security Cookies. Because Required Cookies are essential to operate our sites, it is not possible to opt-out of these Cookies.

Functional Cookies

We use “Functional Cookies” to improve the performance of our websites or to provide you with more relevant communication. Functional Cookies include Cookies used to analyse website traffic, Cookies to do market research or Cookies used to display advertising that is not directed to a particular individual. For instance, we use Functional Cookies to remember whether you are registered to our newsletter so that we can display information on our websites that might only apply to subscribed and/or unsubscribed users. We may use third-party technology (e.g. Google Analytics) to set Functional Cookies. It helps us analyse how our websites are used, including the number of visitors and the pages on our websites to which visitors navigate.

Marketing Cookies

“Marketing Cookies” track activity across websites in order to understand a viewer’s interest and to direct specific marketing to them. These Cookies can be used for remarketing or internet-based advertising. We sometimes use Cookies delivered to us by third parties to show you ads for our products that we think might interest you.

The majority of the data which we collect by Cookies is anonymous, hence it does not allow us to personally identify a user. However, Cookies may allow us to detect browsing patterns and approximate geographical location to improve your experience. Furthermore, it is possible that the personal information that we may have retrieved and stored about you is connected to the information obtained from Cookies.

How can you accept or decline Cookies?

You can control the use of Cookies via the settings of your browser. However, choosing to (partially) disable Cookies may limit your use of certain features or functions on our websites.

You may use the following link to change your cookie preferences for the Scopes Data website:

  • Cookie Settings

Questions, requests and further information

In case you have any questions or requests regarding this Cookie Policy and/or your personal information collected and retained by the Cookies we use on our websites please contact us at