Scopes Data - Various Data for Fleet Sustainability Strategy
/Consulting/CO2e Data from Fuel and Electricity Efficiency

CO2e Data from Fuel and Electricity Efficiency

Empowering Sustainability with Accurate Emissions Calculations

At the heart of sustainable fleet management lies the precise calculation of CO2e emissions derived from both fuel and electricity efficiency. Scopes Data's refined approach meticulously quantifies these emissions, moving beyond traditional metrics to encompass a holistic view of your fleet's environmental impact. By integrating Fuel Efficiency (L/km) and Electricity Efficiency (kWh/km) into our CO2e emissions analysis, we ensure a detailed and accurate reflection of your fleet's contribution to carbon emissions. This process not only adheres to the GHG Protocol standards but also aligns with the latest conversion factors provided by DEFRA, offering a robust foundation for your sustainability initiatives.

Fuel Efficiency and DEFRA Standards

We analyze fuel consumption data (L/km) across your fleet, applying DEFRA's conversion factors to accurately determine CO2e emissions. This approach ensures that emissions from traditional fuel sources are comprehensively captured and correctly attributed, reflecting your fleet's true environmental footprint.
This table outlines the emission factors provided by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), crucial for our calculations. It highlights how we utilize official conversion factors to accurately adjust biofuel and electricity data, ensuring our CO2e emissions reporting is both compliant and reflective of the latest environmental standards.

Electricity Efficiency Analysis

For electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), electricity efficiency (kWh/km) becomes a critical metric. We utilize country-specific and, where applicable, state-specific electricity emission factors to calculate the CO2e emissions from electric energy use. This nuanced analysis accounts for the variances in electricity generation sources, providing a precise measurement of emissions associated with electric vehicle operation.

Bioethanol and E85: Special Considerations

Unlike conventional fuels, bioethanol and E85 require a unique approach to CO2e calculation due to their biological origins and mixed composition. We adjust our calculations to account for the CO2 absorbed during the growth phase of the biofuels' raw materials, ensuring that our emissions data accurately reflects the net environmental impact of these alternative fuels. This includes applying specific conversion methods to differentiate between the carbon-neutral aspect of bioethanol and the carbon-emitting characteristics when blended with petrol in E85.

Bioethanol :

  • CO2 : 0 g /L

  • CO2e : 9 g / L

  • Bio-CO2: 1520 g / L

E85 : 15% Bioethanol & 85% Petrol

  • CO2 : 349 g /L

  • CO2e : 359 g / L

  • Bio-CO2: 1292 g / L

Scopes Data - Precision in Every Detail: Our CO2 Data
CO2 Data Check by Countries
Scopes Data - Unveiling the True Impact: Electricity Efficiency in PHEVs
Unlocking Sustainable Transformation:
Our Deliverables at a Glance

Get in Touch with Our Emissions Experts

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