Scopes Data - Various Data for Fleet Sustainability Strategy
/Consulting/Deciphering CO2e Emissions

Deciphering CO2e Emissions:
A Comprehensive Fleet Analysis

Bridging the Gap Between Energy-Based and Specification-Based Emissions Data

The intricacies of CO2e emissions reporting necessitate a nuanced approach, especially in the context of diverse powertrain technologies across global fleets. The "Fleet Overview: CO2 DATA" section delves into the comparative analysis of CO2e emissions, contrasting energy-based calculations with traditional vehicle specification metrics (NEDC and WLTP). This analysis is pivotal for understanding the actual environmental impact of fleet operations, particularly highlighting the discrepancies in emissions reduction potential among different powertrain types, including PHEVs, BEVs, and FHEVs. Through a detailed examination of CO2e/km averages, both on a per powertrain basis and across countries, alongside annual total CO2e emissions and their regional distributions, this section aims to furnish fleet managers with actionable insights into optimizing their fleets for reduced carbon footprints.

CO2e/km Average per Powertrain –
Energy Base vs Vehicle Specification Base

This analysis elucidates the divergence between CO2e emissions calculated based on actual energy consumption (energy-based) versus those derived from vehicle specifications (specification-based). The comparison reveals the potential overestimation or underestimation of emissions impact, particularly for PHEVs, which may not achieve the significant emissions reductions suggested by specification-based assessments. This discrepancy underscores the importance of energy-based calculations for a more accurate representation of a vehicle's environmental impact.

Interpretation Guidance:

Evaluate the variance in CO2e/km averages across powertrain types, noting the implications for emissions reduction strategies. A closer alignment of energy-based calculations with actual emissions performance facilitates more informed decision-making regarding fleet composition and sustainability initiatives.
This analysis elucidates the divergence between CO2e emissions calculated based on actual energy consumption (energy-based) versus those derived from vehicle specifications (specification-based).

Average CO2e per Vehicle by Countries –
Energy Base

This component offers a granular view of average CO2e emissions per vehicle across different countries, utilizing energy-based calculations. This geographic breakdown allows for the identification of regional patterns in emissions intensity, influenced by factors such as the mix of powertrain technologies in use and the prevailing energy sources for electricity.

Interpretation Guidance:

Analyze country-specific averages to discern variations in fleet emissions performance globally. Such insights can inform targeted interventions for emissions reduction in specific markets or regions, aligning fleet strategies with local environmental standards and energy profiles.
This component offers a granular view of average CO2e emissions per vehicle across different countries, utilizing energy-based calculations.

Annual Total CO2e

Presenting the aggregate CO2e emissions on an annual basis, this analysis provides a macroscopic view of the fleet's overall environmental footprint. The total annual CO2e emissions encapsulate the cumulative impact of operational activities, offering a benchmark for measuring progress towards emissions reduction goals.
Presenting the aggregate CO2e emissions on an annual basis, this analysis provides a macroscopic view of the fleet's overall environmental footprint.

Annual Total CO2e by Regions

Expanding upon the aggregate analysis, this breakdown details the annual total CO2e emissions by region, highlighting the disparities in emissions output across different geographical areas. This differentiation is crucial for understanding regional contributions to the fleet's overall emissions and for tailoring regional strategies to the specific challenges and opportunities each area presents.
Expanding upon the aggregate analysis, this breakdown details the annual total CO2e emissions by region, highlighting the disparities in emissions output across different geographical areas.
Scopes Data - Navigating the Future: Insights into Fleet Powertrain Composition
Scopes Data - Charting a Sustainable Future: CO2 Reduction through EV Transition
Unlocking Sustainable Transformation:
Our Deliverables at a Glance

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