Scopes Data - Various Data for Fleet Sustainability Strategy
/Consulting/Powertrain Transition and CO2 Reduction

Envisioning the Green Shift:
Powertrain Transition and CO2 Reduction

Projections for a Sustainable Fleet Over Four Years

This section meticulously projects the evolution of fleet powertrains under the lens of sustainability. It is a forecast not just of what could be, but what should be if we are to meet the urgent demands of environmental stewardship. This section illustrates how, over a single vehicle lifecycle of four years, a fleet's powertrain composition can transform significantly, aligning with the global impetus to reduce CO2 emissions. Through careful analysis of end-of-contract data, we chart the anticipated annual changes in powertrain distribution, offering a clear vision of the shift from Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) to more sustainable options like Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs).

Sustainability Scenario –
After One Cycle Change (4 Years) [Global]

The global scenario presents a holistic view of the fleet's transition over a four-year period. It factors in the varying degrees of electric vehicle (EV) recommendations across different country categories and demonstrates how these recommendations influence the overall trend towards greener powertrains.
The global scenario presents a holistic view of the fleet's transition over a four-year period. It factors in the varying degrees of electric vehicle (EV) recommendations across different country categories and demonstrates how these recommendations influence the overall trend towards greener powertrains.

Different Recommendation Group

A & B

High BEV Adoption Countries

In these countries, the transition favors a significant increase in BEVs, supported by strong infrastructure and policies. The projection exceeds a 65% BEV adoption rate, reflecting a robust move away from fossil fuels.
In these countries, the transition favors a significant increase in BEVs, supported by strong infrastructure and policies. The projection exceeds a 65% BEV adoption rate, reflecting a robust move away from fossil fuels.
C & D

Moderate Adoption Countries

Here, we see a more balanced approach, with a mix of BEVs, PHEVs, and FHEVs. These regions show a cautious yet progressive shift, with CO2 emissions expected to lower as the transition unfolds.
Here, we see a more balanced approach, with a mix of BEVs, PHEVs, and FHEVs. These regions show a cautious yet progressive shift, with CO2 emissions expected to lower as the transition unfolds.
E & F

Conservative Adoption Countries

Adoption is more tempered in these countries, with a continued reliance on FHEVs. However, incremental changes are projected, suggesting a gradual embrace of electric mobility.
Adoption is more tempered in these countries, with a continued reliance on FHEVs. However, incremental changes are projected, suggesting a gradual embrace of electric mobility.

Annual Change in the Proportion of Each Powertrain

These graphical projections serve as a strategic guide for fleet managers, providing a visual roadmap of the transition towards a more sustainable vehicle mix. By understanding the pace and scale of change that is both achievable and necessary, fleet strategies can be aligned with both current capabilities and future goals. It's a quantified glimpse into the future of fleet composition, underpinning the commitment to reducing CO2 emissions and achieving sustainability targets.
Charts the yearly increase in the percentage of BEVs within the fleet, indicating a positive trend towards electrification.
Charts the yearly increase in the percentage of BEVs within the fleet, indicating a positive trend towards electrification.
Shows the incremental growth in PHEV adoption, representing an intermediate step towards fully electric solutions.
Shows the incremental growth in PHEV adoption, representing an intermediate step towards fully electric solutions.
Details the change in the proportion of hybrids, highlighting their role as a transitional technology on the path to a zero-emission fleet.
Details the change in the proportion of hybrids, highlighting their role as a transitional technology on the path to a zero-emission fleet.
Tracks the expected decline in ICE vehicles, underscoring the fleet's move towards cutting carbon emissions.
Tracks the expected decline in ICE vehicles, underscoring the fleet's move towards cutting carbon emissions.
By mapping out the expected annual changes in powertrain proportions, the "CO2 Reduction Scenario: Powertrain Transition" section empowers stakeholders to plan with foresight, invest with purpose, and act with confidence. It is a commitment to transformation, rooted in data, and aimed at fostering a fleet that not only meets the needs of today but also protects the environment for tomorrow.
Scopes Data - Crafting a Low-Carbon Future: The Four Scenarios of CO2 Reduction
Scopes Data - Projecting a Sustainable Horizon: Total CO2e Emissions Forecast
Unlocking Sustainable Transformation:
Our Deliverables at a Glance

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